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The Odd Life of Timothy Green - Miss Odeya Rush

Personal Interview August 7, 2012 Field Trip Mom Contributor: Jasmine Hingorani


"The Odd Life of Timothy Green" coming out August 15th!

               As soon as I walked through the door, Miss Odeya Rush, the 15-year- old who plays Jodi in The Odd Life of Timothy Green welcomed me with a smile. We both took a seat and I started gushing about how wonderful The Odd Life of Timothy Green was and the surprisingly ending it had. We both laughed as we shared stories of how it even emotionally affected the men, including her father.  From this, I was able to tell right away that Odeya was very family-oriented. Her parents sat behind her during the interview and she looked back to them a few times when talking about her personal life.Her connection to her family guided her to agreeing to star in the film. Odeya was glad that this film was able to bring families back together in theaters. She also enjoys the fact that The Odd Life of Timothy Green is a sincere film about families.  She is the only daughter out of the seven siblings, and growing up with her brothers, especially her younger brothers,helped her connect really well with her character’s best friend in the movie,Timothy.  Odeya described her character’srelationship with Timothy as a fun and loving brother-sister relationship, “Theymake each other happy.” The audience will be able to gain an insight on their loving relationship because the chemistry between the pair is evident.
                Like any teenager, Odeya loves shopping, getting her nails done, and watching films with her best friends. She loves to stay active, and her favorite activities include swimming, biking, and dancing-tap, jazz, and hip- hop. In the future, Odeya hopes to star in a film where she can incorporate her dance abilities. Odeya and her family often take business trips to southern California and when they are in town, she appreciates the fine dining with the amazing views that Los Angeles offers. Her favorite place in L.A is Hollywood Boulevard, where she can gaze at all the stars hand prints along the sidewalks. She would love to visit Paris and most of Europe one day. And when asked where the most magical place she has been to, she answered Jerusalem. Born in Israel, she appreciates the historical significance of one of the oldest cities in the world.  Odeya has been to the West wall of Jerusalem many times and is always overwhelmed by all the little notes left behind,wedged in the cracks.” There is just something about it, whether it is magical or just faith,” she explains. And “magic or faith” is exactly what The Odd Life of Timothy Green portrays for the Green family. Her beautiful persona as a young actress and as the character, Jodi, is definitely highlighted in this summer’s “must see” Disney film, The Odd Life of Timothy Green coming out August 15th!

Rush, Odeya. Personal  Interview. August 7 2012.

Jasmine Hingorani - Contributor for Field Trip Mom

Jasmine grew up travelling all over the world, visiting many European and Asian countries by the time she finished high school. Travelling at a young age empowered her with a vast knowledge of many cultures, including her own Chinese and Indian culture. She went to the University of California, Irvine from 2006-2010 and received a B.A in Film and Media Studies. Her ideal career would be to travel around the world while producing films. She loves watching all kinds of films that range from documentaries to action films. Any film that has great cinematography will catch her eye. Some of her (random) favorite films include The Atonement, The Dark Knight, all the Iron Man films, The Tale of Two Sisters (original version) and 16 Candles. Besides watching movies, she loves to focus on fitness by being active in running, hiking, and Yoga.. Her philosophy when it comes to working is "Do what you love to do so it would never be considered as a job"


Unknown said…
I have been debating if I want or not to see this movie, particularly because I get emotional with movies and I know just by the trailer that I will be crying and sobbing. BUT your post says "surprisingly ended" so now I am intrigued! does Timothy Green get to live with the family forever? That question means I am more likely to see the movie! :D

I like how you described Odeya Rush and the fact that her parents were sitting behind her during the whole interview. She seems genuinely sweet.
I can't wait to go see the movie!

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