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Showing posts from January, 2014

Learn with me program offered by Panda Express.

Panda Express is a unique fast food restaurant that is very popular here in Southern California. They have over 1600 location throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Their food is delicious and cooked fresh every day. They offer gourmet Chinese food that is Panda Express ready. My kids love the brown rice with Teriyaki Chicken. I love the Shrimp and veggies with brown rice and hubby loves the Beef Broccoli. We all enjoy our meals and share with one another family style. It is a great value the price is just right. To help teachers, parents and caregivers share the traditions of the Chinese New Year the year of the Horse they are offering a free kit. Read below to find out how to access it from your home. The people at Panda Express want to share their love of their culture by offering a free educational kit on the topic of the Chinese New Year. As you know Chinese New Year is just around the corner and this year it's the year of the Horse. To get your own ...

Free gardening classes at the Orange County Great Park - Irvine, Ca

Every second Sunday of the month from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Orange County Great Park  along with UC Master Gardeners  offers  FREE  gardening classes to children. This hands-on learning experience is open to children ages 3yrs-9yrs old. The garden is located next to the Great Balloon and Carousel you can't miss it once you park the car. We attending the January workshop, " Can You Dig It?" was the theme. The workshop taught us about soil, what plants need to grow and how compost happens. There was a Bug Bingo game that had prizes. My kids had a fun time digging, playing bingo and learning about the gardening.   The workshop offered a take home seed bomb plant. What is that you ask? It is seed rolled onto clay, sand and compost. This is a unique way to start a small garden. We all got to make a seed bomb to take home and plant. It was a great way to practice having a green thumb. Kids are excited to s...

How to make a California Mission Model.

Learn how to make a California Mission Model at home or in the classroom. We made this project as part of the California Public School Fourth grade requirement in a group setting. Continue to read on to get the supply list and instructions for a successful mission model. On an ordinary day, I was reminded how amazing kids really are when there are no limits. Just as equally amazing are the teachers who guide them and teach them everyday.  I am very thankful for the opportunity that I was given as a parent volunteer.  The day was like a beautiful dance where parents, teachers and students came together for a common goal. The goal was to make models of California Missions from a simple picture and lots of cardboard.  I can honestly say the goal was reached and everyone deserved an "A".

Del Taco is now offering Turkey Tacos.

Let's talk turkey tacos. Del Taco is now serving delicious crunchy tacos and tostadas made with turkey. They are  only 150 calories and 33% percent less fat compared to the seasoned beef tacos. I tried them and they tasted delicious. The pico de gallo is made fresh everyday and it a great side dish with the tacos.   M y husband and I went out for a lunch date the other day to Del Taco. He ordered the fish tacos and I ordered the turkey tacos. He wanted a soft shell and I wanted the crunch. It was the perfect lunch date because we both ordered what we wanted eat. (The Menu at Del Taco is full of great selections, so everyone can find something yummy.)  With our meal came the pico de gallo (salsa) item and it was the perfect size for lunch. Our lunch hour was fun with great food and conversation.  Del Taco is our place to go for a quick delicious meal. Next time you have lunch think of Del Taco for a low calorie savory meal. Del Taco is th...

Chicken Spaghetti Made in Minnesota

My mother-in-law is a great homemaker and a great person. The other day on the phone we got talking about what was happening in Minnesota. When we got to talking about her favorite new dish. Her and my father-in-law have been experimenting in the kitchen. One recipe they found that they love to make and share with friends is "Chicken Spaghetti". The recipe came from the show The Pioneer Woman a food blogger , who is now on the Food Network.  Of course, I would say send me pictures and the recipe for me to share with others. They did just that with their own twist to the recipe. I would like to add that I am extremely thankful to my in-laws for always sharing their thoughts, ideas and recipes. With their permission I am sharing their Minnesota twist on Chicken Spaghetti.        CHICKEN SPAGHETTI MINNESOTA STYLE      Ingredients:       1 whole raw chicken, cut into 8 pieces   1 pound thin spaghetti, b...

LEGO - Free Mini Build Today (Jan 7th 2014)

Our family has frequented the LEGO stores monthly free mini builds since our boys were small.  These amazingly organized events are at your local LEGO store nationwide and provide your kids with a great field trip adventure.  Kids learn engineering, math, science, and life skills like following instructions provided by others as a result of these events. Today, Jan 7th 2014, the Lego Stores will be providing kids with a snow plow mini kit to take home with no obligation.  Arrive early as the line builds pretty extensive and the stores offer only a limited quanity so first come first serve.  I have not seen an instance where the stores were out of the kits however that is our experience at our local store. **Photo courtesy of the LEGO store website To find a store near you, log onto their website at:  LEGO Store Locations .  You will also find the LEGO store calendar of events full of great information. Written by guest writer and C...

Free printable and a calendar offered by John Wayne Airport Orange County, California

  When I travel via airplane, I am always in a hurry. My mind is filled with checklists and more checklists to make sure I don't forget anything. I rush to get to the airport on time. Then, I rush to get through security and checked in. When I finally get through and sit down to wait for my flight, I am tired. By then my kids are full of energy but I am not. I am sure this happens to many of us parents. This week I found this great link on the John Wayne Airport website to keep the kids entertained and happy. All you need is crayons and a folder to keep the pages together. The booklet has several pages of coloring, puzzles, a map and a maze. I suggest you print it out and then make several copies for down time.   CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW:

NEA - 2014 Read Across America Day Poster

Reading is the best gift you can give a child. March is Read Across America month. The National Education Association has their poster out on their website for all to print. To make things easy for you I am sharing it with you. Make sure you mark your calendar and look for special events at your local library. Don't forget to stop by a bookstore or your local library to encourage reading. NEA - 2014 Read Across America Day Poster

Picking oranges at La Verne Heritage Foundation

Take a moment to go into the past and visit La Verne Heritage Foundation to experience life a hundred years ago. This experience will give you the opportunity to pick oranges the way farmers did in the past. This is one of the last working orange groves in the area that offers a great family field trip. Bring cash to purchase a bag or two of oranges that you pick yourself.  Each bag is $5.00 and they supply the picking pole. The season of picking oranges will begin January 4th, 2014 and end mid March. For more information call (909) 593-2862 or visit their Website at . Location: 5001 Via De Mansion, La Verne, CA 91750

Trout Derby hosted at Rancho Jurupa Park

  Let's go fishing and make 2014 a fun year full of life and great memories. The best way is to purchase tickets in advance through their The tickets are $10.00 per person and it is rain or shine.   The event starts super early at 6:00am. Wear layers to make sure you are not too cold or too hot. The event will end at 12:00pm.   All derby entrants are required a state fishing license, (not sold at park) for more information, please call (951) 684-7032. For reservations, call 1(800) 234-7275 and for directions to Rancho Jurupa Park 4800 Crestmore Road Jurupa Valley, CA. 92509   Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. This is an event is hosted by Jurupa Ranch Park.