Often I get these great plastic containers with my food when I go out to eat. For years now I have hated to just through them in the trash, because I see the value in reusing them. I used to throw them away like everyone else. The other day we went to a very popular eatery and I got the family special. The meal came in this well organized container. It had rice, pita bread, chicken, salad and dipping sauce. It looked so clean, clear and well organized. The container grabbed my attention, because it looked very easy to grab and carry. I could not resist taking it home. My husband looked at me with surprise. I am sure he thought, "Oh no what crazy idea does she have now!" Soon he would find out that I saved him a few dollars and the kids loved their easy to use craft organizer. The idea to repurpose this container happened while eating dinner. The light bulb in my head went off and I saw it as a craft organizer/container. I could see where things would fit and be easi