If you are looking for an amazing trip, consider taking a hike or bike ride through Black Star Canyon in Silverado, CA. Located 10 miles east of Orange, CA, one can experience the splendor of Northern California in the densely populated area of Orange County, CA. Whether you are an experienced hiker, mountain biker or just enjoy a friendly stroll, this Orange County Regional Park will take your breathe away and leave you asking to see more. Large trees line the trails including oak, acorn, willow and many other varieties. Wildlife has been seen by hikers and bikers along the trail adding to this amazing journey. Great for families who want to teach their kids more about nature. This trail allows for a simple family stroll to smell the daisies or for that power hiker in the family, more advanced climbing to get your heart pumping. Several organizations including the California Chaparral Institute, the Sierra Club, Wilderness4All, Students of Cal Poly Pomona and mo...