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Showing posts from February, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Bunny Collection  

"Izzy's Corner" Open House March 2nd

        "Every child deserves to have love, food and shelter." Alma The Second Harvest Food Bank Orange County is helping to supply food to those in need. This coming March they are hosting a Kids Volunteer program, "Izzy's Corner".   Getting our kids involved in volunteer work not only helps others, but it brings awareness and education to helping our community. I hope you sign-up and attend this great community event. The local food bank "Second Harvest Food Bank Orange County" is hosting an open house for a kids only volunteer program on  March 2nd, 2013. They will be having refreshments, face painting, tours, and more! RSVP to   Come from 11am-2pm for an opportunity to help others in our community. Great way to teach your kids about giving back.  (*If you can bring a food donation. See the list below.)   Can not attend? No problem. There are other ways you...

Knotts Berry Farm’s Giveaway first ever Spring Fling!!!

Knotts Berry Farm’s first ever Spring Fling is coming  March 23 through April 7, 2013  Knott's Berry Farm is one of the best Amusement Parks in  Southern California per the Orange County Register 2012 .  Known as the first theme park in Orange County, Knott's Berry Farm continues to surprise us with fun events like the upcoming "Spring Fling". The event promises to be the hit of the Spring Season for all ages. There is something for everyone and every age. I personally always enjoy the educational shows that Knott's Berry Farm has to offer. They are educational to me, because they bring history to life. They are the following: Native American Dancers - Hoop Dance ( a form of Native American Storytelling) Cowboy Antics - Costumes and character bring to life the wild west cowboy personalities. Mystery Lodge - Captures the spirit of the Native American's Marshall Purdy - A fun show to m...

Wordless Wednesday - Richard Nixon Library ,Yorba Linda, CA


Leo Buscaglia - Learning and playing have a vital connection. #Quotes

It is not impossibilities which fill us with the deepest despair, but the possibilities which we have failed to realize. -  Robert Mallet   Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats     It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play  without seeing the vital connection between them. - Leo Buscaglia  

Weekend Field Trip Ideas For Everyone.

March is around the corner and the weather is getting warmer, which is perfect for weekend "Field Trips" for everyone.  There are great opportunities to learn about ocean life, rodeo's and orange picking. Each field trip is great for all ages and requires very little money. LOS ANGELES Ends Mid March 2013 La Verne Heritage - Orange picking - This is one of the first field trips that my hubby took my kids on without me and it changed us. My family loved the whole experience. I suggest you take advantage of this great place and plan a field trip today. Open on Saturdays from 9am to 3pm the address: 5001 Via De Mansion, La Verne, CA 91750 (909) 593-2862 ORANGE COUNTY Dana Point Festival of Whales   - This festival  offers great opportunities to talk about the migration of the whales. The Ocean Institute is hosting several events. Please plan to attend early morning to get the best parking and the best of the event. It gets crowded. Ocean Institute Mar...

FREE ADMISSION ALL DAY - Nixon Presidential Library

Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand. ~Chinese proverb (Updated) February 15th, 2016, we celebrate President's Day. What better way to spend the day then by visiting your local museum or local presidential library. The Nixon Presidential Library and Museum is hosting a free day on February 15th, 2016 (original post 2/18/2013) along with activities. This is a great way to learn about our presidents and our nations history. This museum has some amazing things that you can share and discuss with your kids. Including in the tour is the childhood home of our late President Richard Nixon. You will see first hand a presidential helicopter. Bring cameras and walking shoes. This a good size library and museum. I won't tell you too much for now. I want you to get out and explore.  All you have to do is order the tickets online through EvenBrite  and they will be sent to your email b...

Field Trip Adventures at Black Star Canyon - Silverado, CA

If you are looking for an amazing trip, consider taking a hike or bike ride through Black Star Canyon in Silverado, CA. Located 10 miles east of Orange, CA, one can experience the splendor of Northern California in the densely populated area of Orange County, CA. Whether you are an experienced hiker, mountain biker or just enjoy a friendly stroll, this Orange County Regional Park will take your breathe away and leave you asking to see more. Large trees line the trails including oak, acorn, willow and many other varieties. Wildlife has been seen by hikers and bikers along the trail adding to this amazing journey. Great for families who want to teach their kids more about nature. This trail allows for a simple family stroll to smell the daisies or for that power hiker in the family, more advanced climbing to get your heart pumping. Several organizations including the California Chaparral Institute, the Sierra Club, Wilderness4All, Students of Cal Poly Pomona and mo...

Fighting Bronchitis Germs

I am home with bronchitis. The doctor gave me antibiotics for my illness, but not the other stuff.  My nose is running, I have some congestion and I am exhausted. My sore throat and dry lips hurt. After resting for a few hours, I headed over to Walmart to get a few things that I needed to fight Bronchitis .  Dry lips and sore throat required I run to the medicine aisle. Cough drops, lip balm, Vapor Rub, Nasal spray and cough medicine were on my list. But once I was there I realized that I needed a few more things to get me back to health. Lysol, Clorox wipes and Puffs Tissues were also needed to help me fight bronchitis. The Vapor Rub helped my breathing. (It is an ointment that can be used to suppress cough and open up your breathing.)  EOS organic lip balm with vitamins helped my dry lips to feel better. Cough drops with Eucalyptus helped my sore throat immediately. Just a few things can make a difference...

Thank you for the love and support.

Life is full of many moments. Some moments are wonderful and others not so much. When I began this blog I was struggling with making tough decisions. How do I go back to work without disrupting our home life?   Where do we live to make sure we are all eating dinners together? These decisions would bring on change and consequences. Some of the changes would bring fun happy moments and others would bring on heartache. (The moving and selling of the house has been filled with pain and sadness.) My friends and my family have kept me positive and focused.   Happiness has come through my writing, volunteer work at school and family dinners. Work has brought happy surprises, because I have met many kind and loving friends. Overall I feel so loved by everyone around me. I am extremely blessed. The bonus is that I have you, the reader, supporting and reading my posts. Some of you have shared my blog with others and that brings more love to this blog. I am very thankful for the lov...