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Showing posts from November, 2011

A Candy Makers Witness.

Did you know why the candy cane has those stripes and how it got it's shape?   A candy maker wanted to make a candy that would be a witness of his faith, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. He incorporated several symbols of the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. He began with a stick of pure white hard candy. White to symbolize the Virgin Birth and sinless nature of Jesus; and hard to symbolize the Solid Rock, the foundation of the Church, and the firmness of the promises of God. The candy maker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the precious name of Jesus, who came to earth as the Savior of all mankind. It could also represent the staff of the Good Shepherd with which He reaches down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs, who, like all sheep have gone astray. Thinking that the candy was some what plain, the candy maker stained it with several small red stripes representing the stripes Jesus received when He was beate...

Candy Cane Making Field Trip to Logan's Candy Shop

Christmas and Candy Cane's go hand in hand.  Today, I took my friends and family to a very special place where they make candy cane's by hand.   Logan's Candy Shop is located at 125 W. "B" Street, Ontario, Ca 91762.  Every winter Jerry, the shop owner, hosts handmade candy demonstrations most evenings at his candy store.  Reservations can usually be made starting in September by calling the store.  If you have a small party or it is late fall, you may want to call to see if he has any cancellations. The candy cane demonstration begins outside the shop.  Patrons gather outside the big store windows to see the candy maker twist, mold and create sweet treats for us.  The moment is very magical with the cold weather outside and festive candy being made. Standing there you will want to reach in and take a bite.  Be patient kiddos, everyone gets to try warm, freshly made peppermint candy canes as part of the tour. After watc...

What I am most thankful for this holiday season...

Let's begin with saying "Thank You"! I want to say thank you to all who have read my blog and who continue to read it. I hope that my writing inspires and touches you. My hope is to challenge you to do more and love more.   What you should know is that every post that has been written was done with fear. I was fearful no one would read them.  As of today "Field Trip Mom" has received hundreds of visitors on this blog. I am very thankful to all who have read my posts.  Thank you!!! What makes me so Thankful this holiday season: The luckiest girl is me! I am married to a wonderful man who supports my Lucille Ball hair-brain ideas and does not complain.  I am thankful for him and for his love. He loves me unconditionally and with all his heart. (Tim, I hope you know I love you with all my heart too!) The luckiest mom in the world is me! My oldest son told me the other day he loves his life. He gave me a hug and said he always loves ...

In the Middle of the Night....

In the middle of the night when all my work is done, I Sometimes write a little poetry. It brings me back to when I first began to love writing.  My draft of what is happening right now in my head.  I wonder... I often wonder what you will be when you grow-up I wonder how you will look and what you will do when you are all grown-up.  I wonder if you will remember all the fun field trips we shared. I wonder if you will love paper and pencils just the way I do. I wonder if I showed you enough love and kindness. I wonder if you feel loved, protected and cared for.  Most of all I wonder if you have learned that I love you with all my heart In the middle of the night, when everything is quiet, I often think how lucky I am to have such a loving family. Then morning comes and my day begins. Rushing to get ready, to eat, to leave, to make it on time. I hope I will remember to slow down enough to love and be loved. Happy Holidays, Alma like Alm...