This month is already filled with lots of fun field trips. We have walked the streets of downtown Los Angeles, toured China Town, and learned how to take the bus in a busy city. We were given the opportunity to ride on a boat to go whale watching thanks to the wonderful people at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. In the next few days, we are going to art museums and a few other events. As I write, I am finding myself pressed for time and I want to leave you with these images of what we have done so far. More posts with fun and exciting adventures are on their way for 2012. Keep checking for the latest events and tell all of your friends to look at my blog for trip ideas and fun. Remember...I couldn't have shown my kids half of these exciting trips without the "Fun Places" book. To order your copy today, view my blog history for details on this incredible book.
Children learn through the sights, sounds, smells and physical things they can touch; why would you not want your children to experience everything in life, even if you haven't. Be inspired to teach your children about the world, maybe you'll learn a thing or two yourself....I have. - Tim Bosek
in response to hello Alma. Can you remember me? My name is Byounggil Beak and I lived in US for 5 months. we had to go back to korea abruptly, so we miss you and your family and irvine. it was very happy and great time and your family make us have good memory. we always thank for that. Sincerely yours., by beak.