"The endangered Fin Whale was spotted in large numbers off the coast of Long Beach near Aquarium of the Pacific. " Source: Media letter from Aquarium of the Pacific
We went whale watching and it was great to see the kids get so excited about these beautiful animal. We made a whole day out of visiting the Aquarium of the Pacific Long Beach. We set sail early morning and headed out to find out what was in the ocean. I told my kids that we were going to meet a few whales. We would be scientists for one day. Once we were out on the boat everyone forgot to ask questions. We were just amazed at how beautiful it was sitting in a boat along side whales. The day we went we saw Fin Whales and seals about every 10 minutes. It was great to share the field trip as a family. We did not see Orcas on the day we went. But a few days later others found them in Long Beach. We are sharing that video to give you a glimpse into how fun whale watching can be for everyone. Please email me if you have any questions. I will be updating this post with more pictures in the days to come. Please come back and look for them. You are welcome to send me pictures of your own whale watching experience.
Go visit a whale...go to the Aquarium of the Pacific Long Beach.
(Video by Moms LA who just happens to be super nice and shared her video through You Tube.)