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SOS -Save Our State Parks.

"California State Parks announced a plan to close up to 70 of its 278 parks due to budget cuts. The closures are necessary to achieve an $11 million reduction in the next fiscal year 2011/12, that amount increasing to $22 million in the following fiscal year 2012/13. " (source: said Ruth Coleman, director of California State Parks 05/13/2011)

State Park Closures

Anderson Marsh State Historic Park
Annadel State Park
Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park
Austin Creek State Recreation Area
Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
Benbow Lake State Recreation Area
Benicia Capitol State Historic Park
Benicia State Recreation Area
Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park
Bothe-Napa Valley State Park
Brannan Island State Recreation Area
California State Mining and Mineral Museum
Candlestick Point State Recreation Area
Castle Crags State Park
Castle Rock State Park
China Camp State Park
Colusa-Sacramento River State Recreation Area
Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park
Fort Humboldt State Historic Park
Fort Tejon State Historic Park
Garrapata State Park
George J. Hatfield State Recreation Area
Governors Mansion State Historic Park
Gray Whale Cove State Beach
Greenwood State Beach
Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park
Hendy Woods State Park
Henry W. Coe State Park
Jack London State Historic Park
Jug Handle State Reserve
Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park
Limekiln State Park
Los Encinos State Historic Park
Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park
Manchester State Park
McConnell State Recreation Area
McGrath State Beach
Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve
Morro Strand State Beach
Moss Landing State Beach
Olompali State Historic Park
Palomar Mountain State Park
Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park
Picacho State Recreation Area
Pio Pico State Historic Park
Plumas-Eureka State Park
Point Cabrillo Light Station Park Property
Portola Redwoods State Park
Providence Mountains State Recreation Area
Railtown 1897 State Historic Park
Russian Gulch State Park
Saddleback Butte State Park
Salton Sea State Recreation Area
Samuel P. Taylor State Park
San Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park
Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park
Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park
Shasta State Historic Park
South Yuba River State Park
Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Tomales Bay State Park
Tule Elk State Reserve
Turlock Lake State Recreation Area
Twin Lakes State Beach
Weaverville Joss House State Historic Park
Westport-Union Landing State Beach
William B. Ide Adobe State Historic Park
Woodson Bridge State Recreation Area
Zmudowski State Beach
 (Image-no pictures of parks because they are closed)
The beaches and parks in California are the most beautiful in the world. Right now the State Parks are in trouble. At least 70 parks are on a list for potential closure this year and some have already closed. We need every person's help to stop these park closures. You can help by visiting a local State Park at least once a month, buy an annual pass and share your passion for our beaches and parks with others. Make this year full of memories that will be spent at California Beaches or parks enjoying the outdoors. Help save California's outdoor life. Thank you in advance for helping to save the State Parks for our kids and other generations to come.  

You can buy an annual pass at:

OC Parks

Save State Parks

You can call and get more information about annual passes: (714) 973-6865.
If you want to read about the parks that will close this July 2012
Visit a mom who loves Orange County parks:

List of Orange County State Parks

  • Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park
  • Carbon Canyon Regional Park
  • Caspers Wilderness Park
  • Clark Regional Park
  • Craig Regional Park
  • Dana Point Youth and Group
  • Heritage Hill Historical Park
  • Irvine Regional Park
  • George Key Ranch Historical Park
  • Laguna Coast Wilderness Park
  • Laguna Niguel Regional Park
  • Mason Regional Park
  • Mile Square Regional Park
  • Newport Harbor Patrol
  • O’Neill Regional Park
  • Peters Canyon Regional Park
  • Riley Wilderness Park
  • Santiago Oaks Regional Park
  • Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve
  • Yorba Regional Park

  • Comments

    WOOWWW Alma, I check into your blog every so often and today saw your post on State Park Closures. To my great suprise and astonishment, I looked up Palomar. It has already closed to campers as of OCT 2011. The reason I looked it up was simply due to coincidence. You see I still print everyone of my pictures and was looking in my album just yesterday to see where I left off printing versus pics not yet deleted. Upon doing so, I stopped and reviewed my pictures of family and landscapes taken at Palomar!! We had camped there in Aug. and would recommend it to anyone! The Oak trees are not something you'd see just anywhere, they are sooo beautiful and the lake there (Doane Lake) is also. We had a special time that I hope my kids will always treasure! I am a SAHM hold-out and as such, our family lives on a budget of 6 people for $50,000 a year -- you see, our family benifits greatly form camping as it is relatively cheap. However, judging from our last trip there, everyone looses out by these closures! Fondly, Denise

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